Version bêta
31 October - 14 December 2008
19 to 21 November and from 26 to 28 November
A graduate of the Ecole Supérieure d'Art of Aix-en-Provence, Grégoire Lauvin creates installations where nature and technology closely and poetically interact in the spirit of hacking, that movement in favor of information sharing and decompartmentalizing technology. Pascal Chirol, also a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure d'Art of Aix-en-Provence, defines his field of reflection and experimentation with the concept of graphism,
which he sees as a world of potentialities. His interests essentially revolve around questions of generativity and interactivity.
For the workshops HyperOhm I and HyperOhm II, Lauvin and Chirol are developing a project around Arduino and Processing technologies. The project involves two open-source platforms, computer programming (Processing) and electronic programming (Arduino), which enable the user to do electronic sound editing or build interactive installations with greater ease.
Workshop HyperOhm I: presentation and development of projects from 19 to 21 November.
Workshop HyperOhm II: realization of projects from 26 to 28 November.