Version animée 2006 — Installations — 17 october - 17 december 2006
Born in 1969, lives and works in Washington
Avish Khebrehzadeh's art seems to bring together a thousand years of Persian tradition, tales and stories told from one generation to the next, which the artist herself heard in turn while growing up in Teheran. Now that she has been exiled from her native land, the different environments she has lived in, the different identities that have overlapped, the gaps that all these elements can create in one's view of oneself contribute to that feeling of alienation that is found in her work.

Avish Khebrehzadeh, Backyard (2005), Courtesy the Artist and Galleria Sales
Her pieces mainly feature human beings and animals drawn on light rice paper using materials like olive oil and resin. Avish creates with nothing or very little and yet she gets down to the essence of things. She achieves a decisive simplification, allowing a doleful strain to emerge from a deep confrontation with reality.
"Version" will show her work called Backyard (2005)