Going from one art centre to another, from a museum to a gallery seems like diving in another world, superimposed to the real one (where real works are to be discovered: wall paintings, video screenings, objects, interactive installations, and in situ works.) The traditionally opposed terms real / virtual are here constantly hybrid, and this general mix will also be discussed during the Forum, gathering specialists as well as artists in round tables, special video screenings and projects presentations. Version_2ooo wants to take into account the new ways of seeing, reading, buying, investing, encountering and creating that are now so prevalent in our daily life that it is sometimes difficult to tell the differences between the many levels of reality. Simon Lamunière, curator Exhibitions: Tuesday to Sunday, 12am-6pm *Organisée par le Centre pour limage contemporaine, en collaboration avec de nombreux partenaires, Version est, depuis 1994, une manifestation biennale centrée sur lart, linformatique et les technologies de communication. Centre pour limage contemporaine Direction: André Iten Version_2ooo: Simon Lamunière,commissaire, assisté dAlexandra Theiler Furrer (administration et catalogue), Isabelle Aeby Papaloïzos (tables rondes), Lysianne Léchot Hirt (promotion, presse et catalogue), Kim Sup Boninsegni (programmes vidéo), Laurent Desplands, Jean-Pierre Keller, Kevin Rollin, Paolino Casanova (technique), Anne Bratschi (secrétariat), Filippo Filliger (stagiaire). |