
Annika Larsson, POLIISI, installation vidéo, DVD, NIFCA, Helsinki, oct-nov 2001
POLIISI, which will be shown at the Centre pour limage contemporaine, was made at the end of 2001, filmed at night, in the monumental environment of the Senate Square in Helsinki.
A large sized retro-projection will reveal the film, in a darkened room, with blackened walls. Thus, chromatic contrasts of the video images are reinforced, and the spectator is able to submerge himself totally into the artists created world.
Four men are staged: three policemen in anti-riot uniforms, with helmet, bludgeon and gloves, and a fourth character dressed in a jockey costume, wearing a yellow windbreaker, knuckles, riding boots and trousers.
The visual repertory, the framings, the choice of points of view, the costumes and the setting remind us of an imagery close to comics or video games. This effect is reinforced by the fact that, like it is often the case in Annika Larssons work, the dialogues are non-existent. The soundtrack on the other hand, produced by Tobias Bernstrup, becomes a major element in the construction of the piece, vital to its impact.
Even though Annika Larssons video stages only men and deals with primarily male themes and its symbolic language, playing with concepts such as power, submission or violence, her work must not be simply understood as a mere criticism of these preestablished codes.
Rather than developing an analytical discourse, she tries to submerge us into a peculiar atmosphere, in order to confront us with our own ambivalence towards the power of seduction and indisputable eroticism which emerges from her images.
Regarding her video Dog, Annika Larsson says the following in the magazine Zoo: The video Dog is a work that follows closely my earlier works in which reduction, power and control play important roles. (...) The work also deals with seduction and my ambivalence toward image.
Annika Larsson presented POLIISI and Dog at the Andrea Rosen Gallery in New York and at the Institute for Contemporary Art in London at the beginning of 2002. POLIISI has recently been commissionned by NIFCA, Finland. Last year she won the prize of the Bâloise 2001 and took part in the 49th Venice Biennial.

Annika Larsson, POLIISI, installation vidéo, DVD, NIFCA, Helsinki, oct-nov 2001
Née en 1972 à Stockholm
Vit et travaille à Berlin
Formation: 1995 - 2000 MASTER OF FINE ARTS, The Royal College of Fine Arts, Stockholm
Expositions individuelles:
2002 Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York
2002 ICA London
2001 Dog, Eskilstuna konstmuseum
2001 ArtStatements, Art32Basel, Andréhn-Schiptjenko
2001 13 Quai Voltaire, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Paris
2001 Nils Stærk, Contemporary Art, Copenhagen
2000 Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm
2000 Massimo de Carlo Studio, Milan
2000 Musee d´Arte provincia di´Nuoro (MAN), Nuoro, Sardinia
2000 Galleria Alberto Peola, Torino
2000 Galleri Mejan, Stockholm
1999 Lost & Found, Rome
1999 Galerie Analix Forever, Geneve
1999 Uppsala Konstmuseum, Uppsala
1999 MC MAGMA, Milan
1999 Galleri Y1, Stockholm
1998 Galleri Mejan (with Sara Lunden), Stockholm

Annika Larsson, «D.I.E.», installation vidéo, DVD, 2000
Expositions collectives / Projections:
2001 Love 2001, Le Consortium, Dijon
2001 Brave New World, Galeria OMR, Mexico
2001 Interferences, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italy
2001 SET - Racconto ed Artificio, Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea
2001 Unreal time video, The Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Soeul
2001 Impact Festival, Utrecht
2001 Tirana Biennial, Tirana
2001 Mois de la Photo, Montreal, Canada
2001 SETS, produced by IASPIS,The 49th Biennale of Venice
2001 Projection, The Standard Hotel, Los Angeles, curated by Yvonne Force Villareal
2001 Lombard Fried Fine Arts, New York
2001 Pandaemonium, Lux Gallery, London
2001 FLEX, Ménagerie de Verre, Paris
2001 My generation, Atlantis Gallery, London
2001 Still Moving, arranged by IASPIS, Stockholm
2001 Ticker, Gebauer, Berlin
2000 Wanted!, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow
2000 Over Game, Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst, Montevideo, Amsterdam
2000 Berlin Open, Trafó Galeria, Budapest
2000 ANNIKA LARSSON, Samtida Film och Video, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
2000 Version 2000, Centre pour l´image Contemporaine, Geneva
2000 Face-a-face, Kunstpanorama, Luzern
2000 International Videoprogramm, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
2000 Emotions pictures, Galleri F15, Moss, Norge
2000 PARK, Momentum 2000, Moss, Norge
2000 International Videoprogramm, Galerie Barbara Thumm , Berlin
2000 The future is now, Stockholm Art Fair, Stockholm
2000 Tempo, Linköpings Konsthall, Linköping
2000 Film and video, Büro Friedrich, Berlin
2000 Timebeeing, NamNam Beauty, Copenhagen
2000 Shoot, Malmö Konsthall/Spegeln, Malmö
1999 Tales of the cities, The Agency, London
1999 SEA Anno 0, LifeFoundation, Stockhom
1999 False Friends, Galleria Natzionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome
1999 Blick, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
1999 Silence, curated by Gigiotto Del Vecchio, Galleria Alberto Peola, Turin
1999 Art30Basel, VideoForum, Basel
1999 Wanås 1999, Wanås Skulpturpark, Wanås
1999 Nordic Video, Stockholm ArtFair, Stockholm
1998 816, Galerie Analix, Paris
1998 MuuFestival, Kiasma Museum, Helsinki
1998 Highlights, Zita, Stockholm
1998 Femmedia Video Festival, Stockholm
1998 Konstautomaten, Stockholm
1998 F.A.N Fantastic, Stockholm
1997 A Grand Day Out, Hide Kulturbrott, Gotland
1996 På Tröskeln, Edsvik Konsthall, Edsvik

Annika Larsson, POLIISI, installation vidéo, DVD, NIFCA, Helsinki, oct-nov 2001
Projets WEB :
1999 Chelsea World, creators Miltos Manetas/Andreas Angelidakis
1999 Galleri SVD, Svenska Dagbladet at www.svd.se
1999 SYNK at www.svt.se, Swedish Television SVT
1998 www.annikax-i.net
Contributions - magasines vidéo:
2001 "Dog" Extract, DVD, Zoo Magazine, nov-dec 2001
2000 "40-15" extract, DVD, Zoo Magazine, #7,nov 2000
2000 CIGAR, Source Video Magazine 9
1999 Inbjudan till Herr B, Source Video Magazine 7
2002 Daniel Birnbaum, First Take, ArtForum, Jan 2002
2001Annika Larsson, Zoo Magazine, nov-dec 2001
2001 Sara Arrhenius, I wanna be your Dog, Tema Celeste, Dec 2001
2001 Valerie Hammerbacher, Sitz!, Platz!, Fuss!, Source, Nov/Dec, 2001
2001Jennifer Higgie, The rules of the Game, Frieze issue 61, October 2001
2001 Mårten Catenfors, Sveriges Konst 1900-talet vol 3, S A K, 2001
2001 Oliver Asselin and Marie Perrault, De Quelques rituels masculins, catalougeLe Mois de la Photo
2001 Sara Arrhenius, Sets Performing Surfaces, catalouge text SETS, 49th Biennal, Venice, 2001
2001 Lars Bang Larsen, (Art) and Performativity, catalogue text SETS, 49th Biennial, Venice 2001
2001 Pernille Grane, review, Caisse des dépôts et consignations, ART PRESS, N 271, Sept 2001
2001Jade Lindgaard, Nouvelle Tête: Annika Larsson, Les Inrockuptibles, May 2001
2001 Marika Wachtmeister, Femina, April 2001
2001 Camilla A Stockmann, KUNST:Klaedt til mord, Nat & Dag, March 2001
2001 Mai Misfeldt, Rituelle maend, Berlingske Tidende, 24 March 2001
2001 Den velklaedte död, Politiken, 23rd March 2001
2001 Pernille Alberthsen, Man og Mand emellan, Eurowoman, March 2001
2001 Stefan Heidenreich, Anziehende Elementarteilchen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 18 Jan
2001 Review: Ticker 8, Art-on.de, 19 Jan 2001
2000 Sara Arrhenius, Även döden blir en lek, Dagens Nyheter, 2 Dec,2000
2000 Ulrika Sahre, När döden blir en saga, Aftonbladet, 2 Dec 2000
2000 Mårten Castenfors, Inför en istods öga, Svenska dagbladet, 25 Nov 2000
2000 Anders Olofson, Review, www.konsten.net, 17 nov 2000
2000 Susanna Hellberg, Videoverk med huvudvärk, DN på Stan, 10 Nov 2000
2000 ZOO, contemporary Nordic Art, #7 Nov.00
2000 Margherita Remotti, Il potere sono io, Kult, Nov 2000
2000 Jörg Heiser, MOMENTUM 2000, Frieze, issue 54, 2000
2000 Pernille Grane, Momentum, ArtPress, Oct 2000
2000 Review, FlashArt Italia, okt 2000
2000 Sara Arrhenius, NU introduces Annika Larsson, NU The Nordic Art review, vol II No3-4/00
2000 Fred Andersson, Trendmönstring i konstens Moss, Svenska Dagbladet, 10 june 2000
2000 Patric Moreau, Biennalen i Moss, Nord Västra Skånes Tidning, 4 june 2000
2000 Gigiotto Del Vecchio, The power of detail, catalogue text PARK, Momentum , Moss
2000 Lisa Parola, Le storie suggerite nei video di Annika, La Stampa, 18 may 2000
2000 Sergio Innocenti, Parodia di un mondo che non c'è, Corriere dell'Arte, 17 june, 2000
2000 Olga Gambari, Il mondo di uomini raccontato da Annika, La Repubblica, 15 June 2000
2000 Claudia Cargnel/Gigiotto Del Vecchio, La Forza Del Dettaglio, Catalouge text M A N, 2000
2000 Kristine Kern, Svensk Video, Politiken, 4 March 2000
2000 Nils Forsberg, Konst-svängen, en kritisk gallerirunda, 00-tal, #1, 2000
2000 Milou Allerholm, Skruvat Spel i långsamt tempo, Dagens Nyheter, 19 Jan 2000
2000 Anders Olofsson, Gå och Se!, KONSTEN at http://www.ao-ordbod.a.se/, Jan 2000
2000 Bella Rune, Veckans Konst, Rival at www.rival.se, Jan 2000
2000 Susanna Hellberg, Uppstudsig videokonst, Dagens Nyheter, 12 Jan 2000
2000 Isabella Lövin, Det är vi som är framtiden, Månadsjournalen, Jan 2000
1999 Pascale Geoffrois, Double vision, Citizen K International, Fall 1999
1999 Christina Perella, video girrrl, Arte Mondadori, August 1999
1999 Patricia Ellis, Review, Flash Art International, Vol #207, summer 1999
1999 Patricia Ellis, Review, Flash Art Italia, Vol # 216, June - July 1999
1999 Illaria Ventriglia, Review, Segno, summer 1999
1999 Luca Beatrice, Kult, june 1999
1999 Illaria Ventriglia, Ars, june 1999
1999 Pontus Kyander, Med Magnus och Doris i skogen, SydSvenska Dagbladet, 14th June 1999
1998 Sonia Hedstrand, Im a glossy photograph, Im better than the real thing,
Space Magazine issue 1, 1998
1998 Susanna Hellberg, Under oförarglig yta vilar våldet, Dagens Nyheter, 1st Aug 1998
1997 Bo Madestrand, Gotlänskt sommarskratt, Expressen, 22nd July 1997

Annika Larsson, «D.I.E.», installation vidéo, DVD, 2000
2001 Bend, part I, 23 min loop, DVD
2001 Dog, 16 min, loop, DVD
2000 D.I.E. 31,26 min, loop, DVD
2000 Catwalk, 13,16 min, loop, DVD
1999 40-15, loop, DVD
1999 Perfect Game, 45 min, loop, DVD
1999 Covered Car, 10 min, loop, DVD
1999 Tanning Man, 15.30 min, loop, CD-ROM
1999 Cigar, 7.13 min, loop, DVD
1998 816, 13.30 min, loop, DVD
1998 Busy, 27 min, loop, DVD
1998 Inbjudan till Herr B, 11 min, DVD
1997Today I am a Chauffeur, 10 min, Beta SP
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Malmö Museer , Malmö, Sweden
Uppsala Konstmuseum, Sweden
Borås Konstmuseum, Sweden
FRAC, Bordeux
S.M.A.K, Gent