The Alps are reduced to white deserts, only animated by few colored points (people) or by black lines (electric wires) or by geometrical forms (houses and constructions) - and the photograhic work reveals the contemporary beauty of these landscapes, far away from the mythological and nostalgic images of wilderness sold to us by the touristic industry. The landscapes asdepicted by Niedermayr are contemporary hybrids with their own structure and aesthetics.
The exhibition is composed of 6 groups of photographs, dating from 1997 and 1999. The Alps are the main subject, though a group focuses on an Italian highway.
As a counterpoint to this exhibition, a special event called Landmarks - images of landscapes in contemporary art is organised on the 4, 5 and 6 of October 2000. It will gather talks by specialists and screenings of films and video tapes.
Program to be confirmed later on.
Walter Niedermayrs exhibition is supported by the Centro di Studi Italiani di Zurigo.